Lanark, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What do you know about Lanark City? Here are some basic facts about the city and the people who live in it. Lanark is a city in Illinois. Its population is 1,321 people. The median property value is $86,300, and 72% of residents own their home. Compared to the national average, Lanark's commute time is 23.9 minutes. The median home price is $207,500, and the home appreciation has been 1% over the past 10 years.

The City has a large concentration of insurance companies, as well as banks. During the nineteenth century, Lanark's population was composed primarily of manufacturers and services. Today, Lanark is home to some of the most prominent companies in the area. In addition, there are a number of businesses in Lanark. Listed below are a few statistics on Lanark, Illinois. These facts will help you understand the city's demographic makeup.

The USPS has designated Lanark as a city, town, village, and school. The name of the city is used in mail, but it may also be a nickname that residents give their location. If you live in the Lanark area, it is best to check out your postal service before you send a package. They will not accept mail to an address that is labeled as "not acceptable."

The town is dominated by a main street in the center. John Wilson wrote in 1857 that the town's architecture was 'rude antique' before 1824. Most homes in the town are constructed of sandstone or ragstone, while the municipal buildings were built in Grecian style between 1834 and 1836. On the western edge of the town, an 1832 gasworks was built.