Kinsman, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for Population & Steets in Kinzman City, Ohio, you have come to the right place. The data below will show you the city's population and the surrounding area. This is the most comprehensive city-wide demographics database for Ohio. You can view this information to determine the demographic trends of Kinsman City. Also, you can learn about Kinsman City's history to understand why the community is now so vibrant.

As of the 2010 Census, Kinsman Center, OH had a population of 583 people. Of these 583 residents, 100% of them were U.S. citizens. The median home value in this city was $98,300 and the homeownership rate was 82.8%. Those who live in Kinsman Center, OH commute by car to get to work, with the average commute time being 25.1 minutes. The median car ownership in the city is two cars per household.

The most common occupations in Kinsman Center, OH are manufacturing, retail trade, and arts & entertainment. The most common racial groups living below the poverty line in Kinsman Center, OH are White, Black, and Native American. These occupational groups have higher median incomes than the rest of the population, but there are still significant differences. While there is a wide income gap in Kinsman Center, OH, the median household income is higher than the state's average.