Karbers Ridge, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article explores the population & steets of Karbers Ridge City. To get an idea of the size of the city, you can compare the stats of nearby towns to that of Karbers Ridge. Here are some of the nearest cities to Karbers Ridge, Illinois. You can also view the cities located within 100 miles of Karbers Ridge, IL.

The ethnic diversity in Karbers Ridge is diverse. Ninety-six percent of the residents are white. One percent are Hispanic. There are 1.1 males and 1.6 females. According to the U.S. Census, Karbers Ridge has a median household income of $42,407. In addition, 73% of the population in Karbers Ridge has a high school diploma. About 64% of high school students pursue further education.

The median household income for ZIP code 62931 is higher than the state average. While the city has a higher than average poverty rate, it is not as wealthy as other areas of Iowa. However, it has a relatively low crime rate and a low cost of living. A good place to live in Karbers Ridge is an affordable home in an area with plenty of opportunities for growth.