Kaneville, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the population and steets of Kaneville City, Illinois. The population is made up of 358 people of voting age. Of those, 52.2% are male and 47.8% are female. There are 24% under the age of 18 and 21. The most common employment sector is Manufacturing, Construction, and Retail Trade. In addition to those, there are also residents of the city that identify as Hispanic or Asian.

Kaneville is located in northeastern Illinois on Lake Michigan. It has a population of approximately 12,000, and the smallest town in the county is Kaneville City. The most comfortable months in Kaneville are June, September, and August, with January being the least pleasant. There are no notable historic landmarks in Kaneville. Residents of this unincorporated community are known to be passionate about their arts and culture, and many local organizations and businesses encourage this.

A map of the city's average income will give you an idea of how many people earn what, and how much they make. The cost of living in Kaneville, Illinois is calculated by factoring in state income tax rates, median housing rental and property values, and the cost of living index. Despite the low cost of living, there are many benefits of being a citizen of Kaneville.

The average duration of a day in Kaneville City is nine hours and seven minutes. This length of day affects how people feel. Compared to the state capitals, Kaneville City has the highest median age. If you want to learn more about the city, visit Ballotpedia. This site also shows the density of population per square mile. For those who wish to become part of the Kaneville community, here are a few resources to get you started.