Illiopolis, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Looking for the Population & Steets in Iilliopolis City, Illinois? Check out CityTownInfo, a website dedicated to Illinois cities and towns. You can even request data from the city itself. There's a great community spirit in Illiopolis, and residents are proud of their neighborhood. We hope you enjoy your stay in the charming Midwest city.

The population of Illiopolis is spread out and consists of a mixture of people from all walks of life. Approximately 25.4% of the people are under the age of 18. Another 8.8% are female householders without a male present. The remaining population is made up of singles. There are approximately 299 households per square mile. The median age in Illiopolis is 41.8 years.

The demographic analysis of Illiopolis reveals large generational groups. This can be useful if you're doing employment-related research, or looking to identify areas with high concentrations of retirees. You can also find out the median age of Illiopolis residents in terms of their gender. There's a high proportion of single people in Illiopolis compared to other cities in Illinois, and the median age of Illiopolis is a full 7% lower than that of Buffalo, Illinois.

The Illiopolis, IL diversity map shows that the percentage of residents of different races and ethnic backgrounds is nearly identical to the Illinois demographics. In terms of ethnic group, the majority of residents are White (non-Hispanic), followed by Mexican, Non-Hispanic, and Black or African American (Non-Hispanic).