Hutsonville, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A quick look at the current population of Hutsonville will show that it is a bit older than the rest of the United States. Its median age is 48.3, which is a bit older than the national average. Hutsonville City has more white-collar workers than it does blue-collar workers. It is interesting to see that older citizens tend to vote more conservatively than younger ones.

The Hutsonville city area is home to 563 people, and its population is split between men and women. The male population makes up 52.8% of the population while the female population makes up 47.2%. This is about average for Illinois and the United States, which have a 50:50 gender breakdown. In Hutsonville, the male population is slightly higher than the female population.

In terms of family size, Hutsonville's households have a median family size of 3.2, while those in nearby cities are smaller. In Hutsonville, the largest percentage of families is made up of married couples. In West Union CDP, the number of married couples is 12.3% higher. Meanwhile, the percentage of single women is 16.3% higher. Although the number of single women in Hutsonville is slightly lower than in other parts of the metro area, it's still a bit larger than the national average.