Hollowayville, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Here is information on the population and steets of Hollowayville City, Illinois. The majority of the population is U.S. citizens, with a median home value of $N/A. Homeownership is high, at 70.4%, but the percentage of households without a car is even higher. Most residents drive alone to work, with an average commute time of 19.8 minutes. In Hollowayville, IL, there are 2 cars per household.

There are 57 households in Hollowayville, IL. In 2019, the median household income in Hollowayville was $128,321. The average household size was 2.34. In addition, the number of non-English speakers in the city is 0%. Below are some interesting facts about this community. In the city, residents are largely white, with a percentage of 0.6% black and 10.0% Hispanic. The population is highly educated and literate, with 82% completing high school. Despite that, 45% of residents dropped out of college.

In addition to racial diversity, the census shows that 61.1% of the population is white. Approximately 12.3% is black. The remainder is Hispanic or Asian, with a total of 17.8%. The census also asks residents about their ancestry, with German, Irish, and American the most common. Slovene and other European ancestry are also high.

The median age of the residents of Hollowayville City was 37 years old. The majority of households were married, with 84.6% of households consisting of a man and woman. A woman without a husband or wife was represented in 3.8% of households. One-quarter of the households were non-families. The average household size was 3.23, and a family had three members.