Hindsboro, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Hindsboro City? Here's some information you may find useful. If you're interested in living in Hindsboro, IL, check out this list of neighboring towns. These cities are closer to Hindsboro than the surrounding area, but not necessarily as close. You can also check the distance to the nearest large city to determine its population.

Hindsboro is located in the Township of Bowdre, which is a minor civil division in Douglas County, Illinois. Other unofficial names for Hindsboro include Hinesboro and Hinesborough. The majority of residents live in the town's downtown, with approximately 2,086 people per square mile. The population of Hindsboro is white, with 0.1% of people being black or Hispanic. The average household size in Hindsboro is $44,091, making it a well-educated, middle-class suburb. The percentage of people who work in the city is about 70 percent.

The census bureau estimates that Hindsboro has a population of 290 residents by 2020. The city is located in the Champaign-Springfield metro area. The city is part of Douglas County, which has an area code of 217. The median house value in Hindsboro is $56,300. Residents are primarily white, with less than 1% of residents being African-American.