Herrin, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The city of Herrin is located in the state of Illinois and is home to both farmers and miners since the 1800s. Since it was first settled, the area has developed rapidly to meet the needs of the settlers. Eventually, the city was incorporated in 1900, and has since become a thriving community with a diverse population and economy. The city's administrative center is located in Herrin City Hall, and it is also home to the Harrison House, which is famous for its cultural events.

While the city was once largely agricultural, mining made it prosperous and Herrin was home to a recreational park. The town's first park, White City Park, opened Memorial Day 1924 and featured a salt water swimming pool, rides, and a theater. Frank Sinatra played bocce ball in the park, and many touring big bands performed. President Harry S. Truman and John F. Kennedy also visited the city, and Ronald Reagan even flew in to the Herrin airport.

The city was once home to 10 hotels and a number of clothing and department stores. Today, there is only one grocery store: Louie's P&R. But the small population of Herrin has made it a great place to live. A recent survey found that residents spend 20.6 minutes commuting to work in the morning and 17.7 hours per day in the winter. And the number of residents who own homes in the city has grown as well.