Hanna City, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the population and steets of Hanna City? The city's population is about 16,000 people, but there are a few different ways to find out if you're living in a safe neighborhood. Here's a simple map that will help you determine the most safe neighborhoods in Hanna City. The red areas on the map are areas where crime is most likely to occur, but they don't necessarily mean that you are in danger of getting hurt.

In Hanna City, Illinois, there are about 900 people living in one of its five wards. Most of these people are White. The other two wards, however, are predominantly Black. The census also tells us that there are about 33,000 children, which is a bit higher than the state's average. Despite this, Hanna City's residents are generally fairly happy with their lives.

The median property value in Hanna City, IL is $133,900, which is only 0.557 times smaller than the national average. Hanna City's homeownership rate is 67.8%, while the average commute time is 22.4 minutes. Most Hanna City residents drive to work by themselves. And there are only two cars per household. If you're thinking of moving to Hanna City, consider these facts.

The population of Hanna City is over 1,000. About 25% of them are retirees and the remaining population is made up of young adults. The median age in Hanna City is 46. Residents of Hanna City are mainly middle-aged and home-ownership is more common. Rent is about $844 per month, which is $208 less than the state average. A typical household income is $46,500, with males earning an average of $888 a month.