Goreville, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for the Population & Steets of Goreville City? If so, you've come to the right place! We've put together all the important details you need to know about this charming small town in Illinois. Read on to find out more! Whether you're relocating to Goreville, or just looking for general information, you'll find all the information you need on this small town.

The average household size in Goreville City is 2.2 people. Compared to the national average, the population of Goreville City is smaller. It has only 7.8% of the population, compared to the population of neighboring towns and cities. But it has a lower percentage of households than other cities, which is a plus when looking for a place to call home. And it's a good thing that most families are happy with their neighborhood.

According to the ESRI and Census, there are fewer evictions in Goreville than in other nearby cities. While some of the reasons for evictions are code violations, most of them are related to failing to pay rent. An increased number of evictions is a sign of a deteriorating economy. Goreville's population is less than half as large as neighboring cities such as Belle Rive, Energy, and Ridgway.

The second bank opened in Goreville in the 1920s. In addition to the bank, there were other businesses such as hoop shops and barrel makers. These businesses were all centered around the timber in the area. Many of these businesses were used to supply the coal mines of Williamson and Franklin Counties. In 1920, Goreville had a population of about 700. This small town's population increased to around 800 people.