Goodfield, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Goodfield is an Illinois city with a population of 948 residents. The city has a high percentage of white residents. There are also a small number of black and Hispanic residents. The median household income in Goodfield is $72,042, while the average household income is $79,497. There are also a small number of non-citizens living in the area, which includes legal residents, international students, temporary workers, humanitarian immigrants, and illegal immigrants.

This city has a low crime rate, which is beneficial for families. It also has a good public school system and a high percentage of college-educated adults. Residents of Goodfield own single-family homes. There are a few downsides, such as no public transportation.

In Goodfield, Illinois, 88% of workers commuted by car alone to work. A small percentage worked from home. The median property value was $209,100 in 2020. The median home ownership rate was 92.4%, higher than the national average of 64.1%. The average person has to commute 20.3 minutes to work. Homeowners own an average of two cars.

The median household income in Goodfield is $89,167. Goodfield has a population of 977 people. The median age was 41.4 years old. Goodfield's median household income was $89,167, which was a slight decrease from the previous year. Goodfield has a majority of citizens who are US citizens. Only 0.102% were born outside the country.