Golconda, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are some important facts that you should know about Golconda City, India. The population in Golconda City is 622. The average commute time from Golconda to Chennai is 33.1 minutes. The median home price in Golconda is $115,300. It is important to know that the city has experienced home appreciation of 1.3% over the last 10 years.

To get the current population of a city, it is useful to use different sources. Wikipedia, Google, and the Central Statistical Office of Trinidad and Tobago can be used to determine the number of people living in Golconda. However, it is important to note that some communities in Golconda belong to two or more municipalities. Listed below is the latest data on Golconda's population and other important information about the city.

The most common racial and ethnic groups in Golconda City are White, Black, and Hispanic. To qualify for the poverty level, you must be actively looking for work. In contrast, people who are institutionalized or living in poverty do not count. A higher education level does not automatically qualify someone as a poor citizen of Golconda, Illinois.

The median property value in Golconda City, IL was $88,200 in 2019. This was 15.3% higher than the previous year. The median age is 51.6 years old and the percentage of homeowners is 52.2%. The average commute time is 29.9 minutes and the median home is two cars per household. If you have a home in Golconda, IL, the median income is $26,736.