Galatia, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The USPS designates Galatia as the zip code for the area. However, the city is known by many other names, including Galatia, Town, Village, and even School. The ZIP code is D (Default). This is the default name and may not reflect the actual name of the city. You may also find this zip code in other places in the city. It is also referred to as Galatia, MT, but is the preferred name for this area.

This census-defined population and steets measure are used to determine where the population and income distribution of a given city is. The number of renters in Galatia City is lower than the average state rent burden of 30.3%. This is lower than the rent burden of neighboring cities, including Wayne City and Waverly, which are 14.4% and 17.0%, respectively. Galatia has a population of about 2,828.

The median household income in Galatia City, KS is $23,750, and the median family income is $30,833. Likewise, the percentage of people in the area who are hispanic is 0%. The following chart shows the seven races represented in Galatia, KS. The majority of foreign-born residents of this area are from Mexico, India, and Vietnam.