Frankfort Heights, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is a quick snapshot of the Population & Steets in Frankford Heights City. In the past, the city has experienced growth, with its population nearly doubling between 1940 and 1970. Growth took place in the suburbs, with Frankfort annexing Capitol Heights in the 1920s. By the 1970s, the city had grown so large that its downtown had expanded beyond its historic limits.

This chart shows the percent of households that use each mode of transportation in Frankfort, IL. The chart uses a logarithmic scale to show the variability of smaller methods of commuting. This chart shows the distribution of Frankfort, IL households by vehicle ownership buckets. While this is not the only way to measure income inequality in a city, it gives a clear indication of the poverty rate in a city.

The downtown business district has undergone a revival. The area's downtown - once known as "Crawfish Bottom" and "The Craw" - is now a bustling center for local commerce. A new history center and an effort by Downtown Frankfort, Inc. are contributing to the city's upward trend. Several historic buildings have been remodeled and repurposed as restaurants and specialty shops. The city's historic Grand Theater, once a movie theater, has been restored and will soon be a restaurant and specialty shop.

The population and steets in Frankfort Heights City are calculated using census data from the US Census Bureau. Please note that the information on this map is merely for reference purposes. The exact population and steets figures will vary from town to town. The ZIP code for Frankfort Heights City is 60423.