Fox River Grove, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in the City of Fox River Grove are presented in Table 1. The numbers show the total number of residents, as well as their racial and ethnic makeup. As of the most recent census, 74.5% of the population lived in poverty, while 13.4% worked from home. About 7.42 percent of the population used public transportation to get to work in 2019.

In 2017, the median household income in Fox River Grove City was $63,932. This figure is expected to increase to $71,387 by 2022, representing an increase of 23.7% over the past decade. This increase in income reflects the changing composition of the population by income cohorts. The highest income cohorts (those earning over $75,000) gained shares of the population, while the lowest income groups lost population.

The western portion of the community faces issues related to roadway capacity. The community cited the need to expand public transit routes to provide adequate service outside of rush hours. Many city roadways should also become "complete streets" to improve service. This will reduce traffic congestion and improve safety. In addition, a new school building is expected to open this fall, and the city should begin working on a comprehensive plan.

The population of the City is expected to grow to 158,510 by 2040, according to the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning. In fact, this growth rate is even greater in neighboring Kane County, which is estimated to grow by 46, 000 people between 2010 and 2022. There are several reasons why Fox River Grove has a growing population. The Village has the highest number of young people in the county.