Fox Lake, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article will cover the Demographics for the City of Fox Lake, Illinois. It includes the population, the number of households, and the race and ethnicity of the people living there. Fox Lake is a place where people of different ethnic backgrounds and races live together in harmony. You can learn about the different communities in this area by viewing the city's map. Population statistics are available in different sources, so it's important to look at them in context.

The population of Fox Lake is approximately 10,927, according to the most recent US census data. The median household income is $56,208. Poverty is reported at 5.8% for families. The median age of residents is 39.5 years old. Approximately 61.9% of the Fox Lake population is in the labor force. Over 90% of the residents have a high school education, with a few living below the poverty line. Twenty-one percent have a bachelor's degree or higher, including a Master's degree. Only 7.1% of the households are older than 40 years old.