Fieldon, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Considering moving to a new city? You may be wondering about the Population & Steets in Fieldon City. You can learn more about the area's demographics by reading below. This article will explain how many people live in this area and which types of housing are available for rent. The data below was compiled using Census data and ESRI. This information shows that the population of Fieldon is approximately 560 people.

Population & Steets in Fieldón City, IL

The city of Fieldon has a population of 214 people. Of this total population, 214 people are citizens of the United States. The city has a high percentage of U.S. citizens, at 100%. However, this number does not include residents of other countries, like Vietnam. Those who are born in Fieldon, IL are considered to be US citizens. Those born outside the United States are usually immigrants and are considered non-citizens.