Elwood, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Looking for Demographic Data for Elwood City? This page has the answers. Population & Steets in Elwood City is updated yearly from the U.S. Census Bureau. Get detailed demographics by zip code. Get the latest demographics about Elwood City, Pennsylvania! Use our Elwood City interactive map to find out what is happening in the city. Find out where to eat, shop, and live in this lovely community!

The town was founded in 1903 by Jacob Katzenellenbogan, who originally intended it to be called Elmwood. However, someone spelled Elwood City incorrectly. The town was dedicated in 1903 and was visited by U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt. Theodore Roosevelt gave the town's name in a speech during its dedication, and Henry Ford and J. P. Morgan were among the investors who contributed to the community's growth. Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, which featured Sitting Bull and Buffalo Bill, also made a stop in Elwood City in 1885. In 2003, Elwood City celebrated its centennial.

The city is home to several interesting places, including Elwood Public Library, Arthur's Forum, Jack's Joke Shop, and the Sugar Bowl. Other attractions include the Elwood City Grebes, The Sugar Bowl, and Ice Cream Shop. There are several places to eat in Elwood, and a variety of other places to spend your money. The town also has several attractions and festivals.