Ellery, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population and stouts of Ellery City? What does the future hold for this area? The population of Ellery, New York is currently 4,291 people, down 2.5% since 2020. The median home value is $201,600, and the home appreciation in the past 10 years is 5.4%. Here are the most important stats about this city:

There are only a few places in Ellery with a high population density. This is not surprising considering the size of the city. Nevertheless, the area is much smaller than other cities of its size. This means that the overall population of Ellery is 1.2% smaller than the state and national average. However, this does not mean that Ellery has a lower crime rate than its neighboring communities.

Ellery is located in Chautauqua County. It shares a small border with Stockton, Gerry, and Ellicott. It is surrounded by Chautauqua Lake. As of 2000, Ellery had a population of 4,576 people. As of 2010, there were 938 households in Ellery. The median household size is 3.46 people. The median age is 34.5 years old, and nearly half speak a language other than English at home.

According to the latest census data, the population of Ellery City is only three-fourths of the size of New York. Its population is comprised of mainly retirees and those in their early 60s. With this population composition, Ellery is a great place for businesses looking for a retirement community. But be sure to check the demographics of the community before making an important investment.