East Alton, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you think about the demographics of East Alton, IL, you may find it hard to believe that it is the same city as Springfield, IL. This small, midsized city is in the Madison County area. According to the United States Census Bureau, the population of East Alton, Illinois is about 6,545 people. As a percentage of the US population, the city has a 0.478% hispanic population.

The Village of East Alton is a suburb of Chicago, Illinois. East Alton is part of the Township of Wood River, a minor civil division of Madison County. It is a diverse city, with more than 20 ethnic groups represented. College students, correctional facilities, and military barracks are the most diverse. On a scale of 0 to 100, East Alton is a racially and ethnically diverse place.

Although East Alton is a relatively safe city, the rate of arson per resident is higher than other similar-sized cities. The northeast part of the city has a higher concentration of retail establishments than other areas. The red areas of the arson map don't necessarily mean that people living there are in danger. A higher percentage of residents are renters than in similar-sized cities. This difference in rent burden between East Alton and nearby cities may make the city seem safer than it actually is.

The population of East Alton City is estimated by the U.S. Census Bureau. The population was spread out in the village. Twenty-six percent of the population was younger than eighteen years. Another twenty-four percent were between 25 and 64 years old. Twenty-one percent of households were made up of single-person households. Only 7.5% of households had an individual who was 65 years old or older.