Dow, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're considering a move to Dow City, Iowa, then you're probably wondering: What's the population like? It's 485 people, which is 0.293 times smaller than the U.S. average. The median home value in Dow City is $70,500. 61.1% of residents own their homes, and most commute alone. Commute times are an average of 17.7 minutes. The median household has three cars.

About 8.4% of residents in Dow City are of Hispanic origin. This category includes people of any race. Hispanics account for the largest share of the overall population, but not the percentage of people of Hispanic origin. Hispanics make up 7.7% of the population. However, the percentage is lower than in nearby geographies, which includes the parent city of Iowa. However, that doesn't mean that people in Dow City are poor.

The population of Dow City has always been changing, with some moving in earlier years and others arriving later. In 1868, Peter Martin settled on Mr. Dow's land and brought his family. The same year, William Scott settled on land owned by Mr. Dow. In 1870, Randolph M. Smith, better known as Budd, purchased 160 acres from S.J. Comfort. In 1871, the area became known as the "City of Budds." The city also had a Post of the Grand Army of the Republic, and George W. Huntington, a farmer from Paradise Township, arrived with his wife and child.