Dieterich, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for more information about the population and steets of Dieterich City, Illinois, you've come to the right place. Here you'll find details about the city's demographics, housing market, and more. There are 593 people living in Dieterich, and its median home value is $144,900. In the past 10 years, its median home value has increased by 3.1%.

Demographics are a great way to learn about the community of a place. Dieterich is in the center of the greater Effingham area, so the population density is in the middle of the two cities. Effingham, Illinois, has a population of 12,309, while Dieterich is only a little more than half as large. This puts Dieterich in the middle of the Effingham population.

The highest percent of Dieterich's population comes from Asia, while the lowest percentage is found in Europe. While Illinois has a large, diverse population, Dieterich's population is just a fifth the size of that of Effingham. The city is also home to the second-smallest percentage of Native Americans, making it an important place for ethnic diversity. Dieterich also has a large number of naturalized citizens and foreign-born residents compared to most other areas of the state.

The majority of households in Dieterich are headed by a married couple. This number is high in comparison to other places in Illinois. A married couple makes up 86 percent of the city. The percentage of single women in the city is lower than the state average at 6%. The average household size in Dieterich City is two and a half people. When it comes to household size, the city is only three-fourths the size of the average American city.