Creal Springs, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Crean Springs City? Are you interested in learning about the area's ethnic and racial composition? If so, you've come to the right place. Creal Springs, IL has a median property value of $52,600, which is 0.219 times smaller than the national average. In addition, Creal Springs's median household income increased by 9.5% from 2004 to 2009, which means that a greater percentage of its residents is now living in poverty. Despite this growth, crime in Creal Springs remains a concern, despite a relatively low number.

The median household income in Creal Springs, IL is approximately $36,000 per year. Residents pay an average of $800 in property taxes, a percentage which is higher than the state average of 64.1%. The majority of Creal Springs, IL residents own a home, but only 4.48 percent work from home. The chart below shows the share of households that use different forms of transportation to get to and from work. The graph uses a logarithmic scale to emphasize variations between smaller modes of commuting.

The census data for Creal Springs, Illinois, is updated every five years. The city's median age is 40.6, while the median gross rent is $536. The city's average household income is $22,557. The city is located within the Creal Springs Election Precinct in Williamson County. The city's ZIP code is C13, and it is a part of the Carbondale-Marion, IL, metro area. The city's average commute time is 21.8 minutes, which is faster than the national average.