Cowden, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You can learn more about the Crime Rate, Population & Steets in Cowdean City with the help of Vivint. Vivint's crime map can be useful to help you decide if Cowden is right for you. Vivint offers free quotes for their services and they even have a map of the crime rate in the city. It also shows the number of violent crimes per 1,000 people. The violent crime rate is higher in the east part of Cowden, where there are more retail establishments. Crime rates are higher in blocks with fewer residents, but this does not necessarily mean Cowden is unsafe for its residents.

The median property value in Cowden is $62,700. This is 0.261 times smaller than the national average. In 2021, the median price for a single-family home will be $91,058. The average rent for a one-bedroom apartment will be $608 per month. Climate is moderate in Cowden. You can expect to experience low precipitation and moderate weather throughout the year. Wind speeds are also moderate.

The percentage of college graduates in Cowden, Illinois is 40.3%, compared to 46.6% nationally. Nearly 30% of Cowden residents are STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) graduates. If you are considering moving to this area, you can use Dwellics to search for affordable housing. This personal recommendation engine allows you to rank over 50,000 cities in America and choose the best location for your needs.