Cottage Hills, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Interested in knowing the Population & Steets of Cottage Hills City? Then read this article. We'll give you the latest information, including the population. It's important to know the history of a community, and how it's changed over time. You'll be glad you took the time to read this article. It'll help you make informed decisions about the city.

The average age of residents in Cottage Hills is 32 years, but there are a few notable exceptions. Women tend to be younger, while men tend to be older. The population of Cottage Hills is composed of a mixture of races. For more detailed statistics, see the Cottage Hills, IL population and demographics. In addition to the average age, you'll also learn more about the city's overall socioeconomic status.

The population of Cottage Hills is made up of approximately 1,311 residents. This number includes those identifying as Black, Asian, Hispanic and Latino, American Indians and Alaska Natives, and Pacific Islanders. The majority of people in Cottage Hills, IL are white, and the percentage of people who identify as non-white is just 0.8%. There are about 380 residents per square mile, and the population is expected to decline by 1.0% by the end of 2050.

The violent crime rate of the city of Cottage Hills is one in every 147 residents, which is a higher rate than in other cities. This data is not easily comparable, but Cottage Hills' violent crime map shows a simple, straightforward count of incidents. This map resembles the population maps of surrounding communities, but also includes crime statistics. Cottage Hills is in the 16th percentile of safety. With a violent crime rate of 5.11 per 1,000 residents, the city is considered safer than average.