Coatsburg, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The current population of Coatsburg, IL is 182 people, with 0 Black or African American residents and 0% Hispanic. The median home value is $78,000, and the homeownership rate is 93.5%, higher than the national average. The following chart shows the 7 racial or ethnic groups living in Coatsburg, IL. The largest group living below the poverty line is the White non-Hispanic race, followed by Black or African American. The most common job groups in Coatsburg, IL are: Health Care Practitioners, Retail Trade Occupations, and Construction Occupations.

The population of Coatsburg is expected to reach 20,000 people by 2020. The city has a small-town feel, with a variety of restaurants, shops, and attractions. Coatsburg's ZIP code is listed under the default city name. Coatsburg is in Adams County, Illinois, United States. This ZIP code contains the name of the city and is often used in address copying.

The median household income in Coatsburg is $54,792, which is lower than the national median of $65,712. The county has a low unemployment rate of 6.3%, with approximately 90% of residents in the labor force. The average household language is English, with other languages spoken only in the homestead. There are a variety of jobs available in the Coatsburg community. It is important to note, however, that the median household income in Coatsburg City does not reflect the diversity of the community.