Clarendon Hills, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Clarendon Hills, Illinois is a city in Northeastern Illinois along Lake Michigan. Its total population is roughly 68,590. Its climate is considered to be mild year-round. The warmest months are August, September, and June. The coldest month is January. Here's a look at some of the stats for Clarendon Hills, Illinois.

According to the United States Census Bureau, the population of Clarendon Hills is expected to grow by 8.7 percent by 2022. The median property value is $506,400. The homeownership rate is 84.1%. The median age is 38.3 years. There are 6,026 adults in Clarendon Hills, and there are 1,179 senior citizens. The median household income is $111,958.

The number of single women in Clarendon Hills is around 6,500. The city's population contains a mix of white, black, and Hispanic residents. The majority of single women are 18-24 years old, followed by 35-39 year-olds, forty-four-year-olds, and forty-four and fifty-nine-year-olds. The city is a mix of races, so the percentage of single women will vary.

The county is home to the county seat, Manning. The county is home to the largest man-made lake in the United States. Completed in 1941 as part of a New Deal program, Lake Marion is a hydroelectric power generator that stimulates economic growth. The county is also known for its abundant natural resources. Its lakes and rivers are the best for fishing and other recreation. Its rich, fertile soil is an important factor in Clarendon Hills City's economy.