Chebanse, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Chebanse City, Illinois? Here's a quick breakdown to give you a better idea of this area's demographics. The population of Chebanse, Illinois is approximately 880 residents of voting age. The population is roughly 50:50 male and female. A little over one in five residents is 65 years or older. The top industries in Chebanse are health care, retail trade, and natural resources. The average age of residents is 34.5 years old, and 7.8% of the population is over 65 years old. The population of Chebanse is 84% White, 7.0% Black, and 4.4% Two or More Races. There are also 8.1% Hispanics.

The median property value in Chebanse is $144,000, which is 0.599 times lower than the national average. Among the top jobs in Chebanse, sales are the most common. Residents in Chebanse earn an average of $69,000 a year, which is significantly lower than their peers in Illinois and the national average of $73,345. The median income in Chebanse is slightly higher than the Illinois average. Residents of Chebanse have a college degree, with 11% claiming a Bachelor's degree.

Crime rates in Chebanse City vary widely. The city has more crime than other nearby cities. While crimes may seem higher in certain areas, they do not necessarily indicate a higher crime rate. Most crimes occur in retail areas, which makes it difficult to pinpoint a red area as a safe zone. While crime rates in Chebanse are higher than the national average, they still don't pose a high risk for residents.