Chatsworth, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are many things that you need to know about the Population & Steets in Chattsworth City, California. The following information will help you understand the city's demographics. The population of Chatsworth City, California, is approximately 61,598 people, or 68.6% white. The area also has a small minority of black and Hispanic residents. The median household income for the city is $71,023, and the average household income is $90,032. The population's high school graduation rate is 75%.

Most residents of Chatsworth commute by car. However, about 420 people prefer walking. Another two-thirds use public transportation. A third of Chatsworth's residents prefer taking the trolley or bus. While the city is very quiet and serene, noise from other neighbors can be a problem. To combat noise problems, the Chatsworth city planning department provides a list of noise violations. These violations include barking dogs, construction work, and boisterous parties.

The real estate in Chatsworth consists of large and medium-sized homes. There are some apartment complexes and high-rise buildings in the city. Residents live in a mixture of renters and owners. Many residences were built between 1970 and 1999. There is a low vacancy rate in Chatsworth compared to other U.S. neighborhoods, which means there is a high demand for housing.

The city is close to Hollywood, which made Chatsworth a popular backdrop for western movies during the 1920s. The city had plenty of land to film movies, and the Iverson ranch served as the perfect setting. The town is home to eight Historic-Cultural Monuments. One of them, the Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park, is the largest park in Chatsworth. It covers most of the eastern part of the city. Visitors can bike along the trails and enjoy nature views.