Chanute Afb, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Interested in knowing more about the population of Chanute Afb City? Read this article to find out more information. It includes the current population and the percentage of foreign-born residents. This will allow you to determine what kinds of jobs are available in this area. You can also find out more about the median age in Chanute. The median age in Chanute, KS is lower than the national average, which is about forty-one.

The median property value in Chanute, KS is $74,900, which is slightly lower than the national average. It increased by 0.311 percent in a year, and the median home value is $74,900. The homeownership rate in Chanute is 61.2%, and the average commute time to work is 12.8 minutes. Most people commute by car, with two cars per household.

The median household income in Chanute, KS is $36,838. This is below the national average of $36,728, but slightly higher than the median income in the rest of the United States. The median age is 37.9. The median household income in Chanute is $36,838. The median household income in Chanute is 1.52% lower than the national average. While this city is home to about 8000 military members, it is a very affordable place to live and work.