Carlyle, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is an overview of the Population & Steets of Carlyle, Illinois. The demographics data in the chart will help you understand the local economy. The median age of the population in Carlyle, IL is 42.4. This includes both native-born citizens and those who were born outside the United States. The income thresholds for these groups vary, as do the types of occupations that they perform. In 2019 the top three foreign-born occupations were education instruction & library, management, and production.

In 2018, the average household income in Carlyle, IL was $55,198. The Illinois median income was $65,712 - less even than the national average of 0.478. The chart below shows the number of workers in each wage bucket in Carlyle. The chart also highlights the geographic wage gap. The chart below also includes the median household income for Carlyle. It shows how the median household income in Carlyle compares to the median incomes of neighboring and parent communities.

The median property value in Carlyle, IL was $118,400 in 2019. This is 0.492 times lower than the national average. Homeownership rate was 63.6% and the population is 3.38k people. The median age is 42.4 and the majority of residents live alone. The median car ownership rate in Carlyle, IL is the same as the national average - 2 cars per household.