Bushnell, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for the Population & Steets in Bushwell City? Do you know the median age in this city? If you are, you will be interested to know that the median age in Bushnell City is 39.5 years. But if you are not sure, here are some statistics for you to consider. You'll find the population of Bushnell City to be lower than the state average.

The population of Bushnell is 2,198. The gender ratio is 46.6% for males and 52.5% for females. The median home value is $62,778. The average household size is 2.45 people. According to the latest census, a small minority of the population is black, and only 2% are Hispanic. The median household income in this area is $38,006, with an average of $46,021. The median high school graduation rate is 80%.

The city is home to a variety of different businesses. The Bushnell City Government provides Electricity, Water, Wastewater, and Sanitation services to over 1,100 residents. Additionally, the Bushnell Public Utility District provides water and wastewater services to over 1,200 residents. Further, the city's public schools provide an array of educational opportunities. Regardless of the field you pursue, you'll find a wide range of careers in Bushnell.

The most comfortable months in Bushnell are September and June. January and December are the least pleasant months. The city's median age is 56.5 years old, slightly higher than the national average. The median gross rent in Bushnell City is $1,217. As of July 17, 2022, there were 32 registered sex offenders in Bushnell. That's 97 to 1 of all residents.