Brussels, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information on the population and the steets of Brussels City, you've come to the right place. This article explores these issues in more detail. To get started, check out our interactive map! We've compiled data from several sources, including the Brussels City Public Library. This is only the first of many reports on Brussels. We hope you find this information useful.

The capital of Belgium and the European Union, Brussels City has a population of around 1,600,562 people. The other major cities in the area are Antwerp, the largest agglomeration of Dutch-speaking Flanders and an important port city in the European context, and Liege, the largest urban area of Wallonia, once a dominant industrial city before the decline of the iron industry. These three agglomerations alone account for 25% of the Belgian population.

The modern Belgian capital is the birthplace of many major artistic movements, including the Flemish Renaissance, expressionist painting, and surrealism. The country was also the birthplace of the saxophone and the body mass index. While there's no place like Brussels for culture, there's still plenty to do! In fact, Brussels is home to several renowned museums. For instance, the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium features four interconnected sections with artworks spanning the ages.

Belgium's parliamentary democracy has been characterized by successive coalitions of two or more political parties, with the Flemish Christian Democratic Party most often in charge. The post-war years have seen major political controversies involving King Leopold III's behavior during World War II, and Flemish demands for autonomous regions. This has made Brussels a cosmopolitan city.