Brownstown, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Looking for the population & steets of Brownstown City? If so, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will discuss the area's history, geography, and demographics. Also, you'll learn about the population of the area and how it compares to other communities in Michigan. Here, you'll find the most up-to-date facts about this place.

Listed below are statistics on the population and steets of Brownstown City, MI. You'll find out if this town is economically stable and has a high poverty rate. Brownstown is home to 2.85k people. The second-most populous racial/ethnic group is White (Hispanic), making up 1.09% of the city's population. Below is a breakdown of the seven races in the area and their percentage of the total population.

The median age of residents of Brownstown City is 40.4 years old. The average age of foreign-born citizens is 50 years old, compared to 40 in the previous year. This is indicative of a growing older population. In fact, the median age of people in Brownstown City was 40 in 2018. The majority of foreign-born residents are from Mexico. China, on the other hand, has 22,944 residents.

Despite the low income of residents in Brownstown City, Indiana, it is a relatively affordable place to live. According to the latest U.S. Census Bureau data, only one percent of residents are classified as low-income. There are three main occupation groups in the city, with 37% of the population employed in the blue-collar sector and 35.7% in the white-collar sector.