Brookport, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the population and steets of Brookport City, IL, you should know that there are several cities within a 65-mile radius. You can also check out towns that are near or 100 miles away from the city. Below is a list of cities that are near or 100 miles away from Brookport. Alternatively, you can do a general search for a city in the surrounding area.

In 2011, there were 450 households with children under 18. Interestingly, 44.2% of households were made up of married couples. Another 14.7% of households were made up of single individuals. There were also 15.1% of households that were made up of senior citizens living alone. The average household size in Brookport was 2.34 people, and the average family size was 2.97. However, the census data doesn't tell us much about the number of renter-occupied housing units in Brookport.

The median income of a person in Brookport is $33,448. This is slightly less than the median income in the United States. While there are many factors that influence an individual's ability to earn a living in Brookport, IL, these three factors make the city an attractive place to live. For example, residents are more likely to have a family if they can afford to raise children in a low-income neighborhood.