Broadwell, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're curious about the Population & Steets in Broadwork City, Illinois, you've come to the right place. Our list of the most recent statistics will give you an idea of the overall population of the city. There's also a brief description of the city's demographics. The population of Broadwell City is 145 people, with 143 being non-Hispanic White, 1 Hispanic or Latino, and one Black.

This map shows you where Broadwell's crime rate is the lowest and highest. Listed on the map are the most dangerous areas, moderately-safe neighborhoods, and neighborhoods with high crime rates. Broadwell is in the 17th percentile for safety, with the other 83% safer than Broadwell. However, there are many areas of the city that are more violent than Broadwell. There's a reason why some residents feel safer than others, though.

The median household income in Broadwell is $706, with the average household income of $11,317. The median racial or ethnic group living in Broadwell is White (Non-Hispanic), followed by Two Or More and Black. In Broadwell, the percentage of people in each racial and ethnic group living below the poverty line is 4.57%. The median household income is $706 and the majority of residents live in one or two-bedroom homes.

There is no official crime data for Broadwell, IL, but we can get a rough estimate of how many people are involved in violent crime in the city based on census data. The FBI data for this area is only a snapshot of the community and does not reflect the current crime rate. Local law enforcement agencies apply this data to the census data. However, you can look for crime map data from SpotCrime.