Broadview, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are curious about the population and steets of Broadview City, Illinois, you have come to the right place. Located in northeastern Illinois along Lake Michigan, this community has the warmest summer months and the coldest winter months. Here is a quick look at some stats. This city is home to numerous large companies and a variety of residential and commercial buildings. If you are considering moving to this charming village, here are some useful resources.

Broadview was incorporated in 1914 as a village. The US Census includes Latinos as an ethnic category and not a racial one. Although it may appear that Latinos are Latinos, they may be any race. Broadview's population is comprised of a diverse mix of races and ethnicities. In 2016, thirty-three percent of households were headed by children under the age of eighteen. In addition, forty-two percent of households were headed by a married couple, and twenty-three percent of those were headed by a female householder without her husband. The remaining percentage of households consisted of non-families and were headed by people aged 65 or older. The median home price in Broadview was $227,400. This increase of six percent is expected in 2020.

There are fourteen thousand and seven hundred residents of voting age in the town of Broadview Heights, Ohio. Most are white, with a majority of residents being male. Another 12% are black or Indo-European. The highest percentage of workers in the city is in management, with nine percent of those in the workforce employed in the service industry. The remaining seventy-one percent are employed in white-collar jobs.