Bristol, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The table below shows the average number of people per household in Bristol city, VA. The chart compares this number with that of neighboring and parent geographies. In Bristol city, VA, the majority of workers commute by driving alone, with 10.7% using carpooling services and 4.89% walking to work. The chart shows the percentage of households using each mode of transportation over time, and uses a logarithmic scale to account for changes in smaller means of transportation.

Despite the recent economic downturn, the city has taken steps to improve the city's public space. Its central park underwent a redevelopment, including the demolition of an outdated mall from the 1970s. Its repaving also included island-shaped roads, brick medians, and elegant street lighting. In addition, the city has entered into a preferred developer agreement to redevelop the city center using new urbanism strategies. However, the slow economy has hindered the project.

The median property value in Bristol city, VA was $111,700 in 2019, slightly lower than the national average. Similarly, the homeownership rate in Bristol city, VA is 60.4%, slightly lower than the national average of 64.1%. Bristol city, VA residents drive an average of 19.1 minutes to work. The average household has two cars. And the city's unemployment rate is 2.9%, which is lower than the national average.

Historically, the city was a major port. By the 15th century, Bristol was the second largest port in England, and was one of the most important in the world. The city experienced a revival during the slave trade, sending at least 500,000 African people to America for slavery. After the war with France, however, Bristol was unable to keep pace with other industrial centres. Nonetheless, the city's population increased dramatically during the 19th century, and reached a high of more than 330,000 by the beginning of the twentieth century. Its population continued to rise steadily throughout the twentieth century, and is currently the seventh largest city in England.