Bourbonnais, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Bourbonnais, Illinois has a median age of 34.4. Native-born citizens are 34.4 years old while foreign-born people are 45 years old. This is a fairly typical age range for a city in Illinois. The top foreign-born countries in Bourbonnais were Mexico, India, and Poland. The other most common foreign-born countries are the United States, China, and Germany.

Families in Bourbonnais are generally married. As a matter of fact, 79% of the population resides in married couples. In comparison, the highest proportion of people living alone is found in households headed by women. This is the highest proportion in Illinois, and the average age is 31. In terms of race, whites are more likely to be single than blacks or Hispanics.

Demographics of Bourbonnais are available at the U.S. Census Bureau and American Community Survey. The city has a Population 2020 of 19,639, making it the second most populous city in the greater Bourbonnais area. The largest city in the region is Kankakee with a population of 25,818. Bourbonnais is the second-fastest growing city in Illinois, and it has the third-fastest-growing population after Kankakee.

The Village of Bourbonnais is a thriving community that was incorporated in 1875. Its population of 18,631 is diverse and vibrant. The community has a variety of faiths and cultures and has been named the "Village of Friendship".