Blackstone, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Did you know that the population of Blackstone City is 19.1% smaller than the rest of Massachusetts? Did you also know that only 1,529 people commute by car to work every day? Almost half of its population rides the bus or uses a trolley bus to get to work. Although the U.S. Census Bureau updates its demographic data annually, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. Therefore, you should verify the data before relying on it.

The racial makeup of Blackstone is mid-range when compared to other places in the metropolitan area. While the overall percentage of foreign-born residents in Blackstone Massachusetts is low, it does have a relatively high proportion of Native-Americans. In terms of the number of foreign-born residents, the town is half as large as Massachusetts. It is also home to a few universities.

If you're looking for a place to call home, Blackstone offers many options for dining and socializing. Local restaurants include Taco Bell, Starbucks, and Chick-fil-A. A popular spot for weekend brunch is McDonald's, while Orange Julius, Dairy Queen, and Angel Donuts are also popular for desserts. Blackstone also offers grocery stores and a burger joint called Burgers + Bourbon & Brew.