Biggsville, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in living in Biggsville City, Illinois, you've come to the right place. We've compiled the population and steets of Biggsville City for you! It's easy to compare and contrast the cities nearby; you'll see how they compare and contrast. You'll also find the average cost of living for each of them, including fuel, tires, insurance, license fees, taxes, depreciation, financing, and more.

Although Biggsville has a relatively low population, the murder rate per resident is higher than the average for the state of Illinois, and it's significantly higher than the national average. That means that the average murder rate in Biggsville is about 1 in 25,019 compared to one in 26.856 in the rest of the state. However, keep in mind that this is a general comparison; the red areas are not necessarily dangerous to the city's residents.

While the current population of Biggsville is 301, the population peaked in 1990 at 349, making it the 15th-largest city in Illinois. However, that population is expected to drop by a mere 0.01% annually. The median income in Biggsville is $79,249. The poverty rate is 9.59%. House values are approximately $73,300. The median age in Biggsville is 45.4 years old; males are slightly younger than females.

The population of Biggsville, Illinois is comprised of people of all ages, with a majority of residents being white. The population is predominantly white, with a small percentage of minority groups and those with low education levels. It's also home to a high percentage of people with a bachelor's degree and only two percent with a graduate degree or professional. And, the median household income in Biggsville, Illinois is $53,750.