Benld, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are curious about Benld City, Illinois, you have come to the right place. Here, you will discover the Population & Steets of Benld City. Its population is 1,556 as of the 2010 census. The name "Benld" comes from the town's founder, Benjamin L. Dorsey. Listed below are the top neighborhoods in Benld City.

Benld City is located in Macoupin County, Illinois. The city is home to around 1,550 people. The population is named after Ben L. Dorsey, who sold mining rights below his land. It was said that he got the name after a painter started painting it. He finished painting the first letter of Ben's last name but fell while finishing the rest. Regardless, Benld has been the city's name ever since.

The most common racial or ethnic group living below the poverty line in Benld is White. Those with Native American background are less likely to live in poverty. However, if you are curious about the population & steets of Benld, you should know that the United States Census Bureau uses certain income thresholds to classify households as low-income. These thresholds differ by family size and therefore determine the poverty level. In Benld, 81 people are employed in food preparation and serving related occupations, 65 people are in office & administrative support occupations, and 56 people are in sales.

Although the crime rate in Benld City is relatively low, it is still quite high compared to other cities. Southwest Benld has 19 crimes per year, compared to southeast Benld with only four crimes. You may be confused if a particular area is safe, because most crime occurs in commercial areas, not residential areas. The crime rate map does not necessarily indicate a risk for the residents of the area, so don't worry if the red areas appear on the Benld crime map.