Bartonville, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Bartonville is located in the state of Texas, United States. The city is within 17 miles of three major cities, including Dallas, Fort Worth, and Houston. Using the city-based information, you can search for flights to one of these cities. Using the distance to find flights, you can choose a nearby city or even one that is 4 hours away from Bartonville, TX.

Bartonville, Texas is a predominantly white community. Ninety-six percent of residents are white, with 1.0% black and 0.6% Asian. Only 10.7% of residents identify as Hispanic. The unemployment rate in the city is around 4.6%, and 7.5% of the population is employed by the state, federal, or local government. The median household income is $144,950.

Bartonville is a regional center located in northeast Texas. The climate in the city is mainly warm and humid, with July being the coldest month. The median home price in Bartonville is $891000, and the median price is 6.5% higher than the national average.

The population of Bartonville is diverse, with the majority reporting their race as White or Black. Their ancestry includes German, Irish, and English. English is the most common language spoken in the city, although some residents speak other languages as well.