Anna, Illinois Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Currently, the Population & Steets of Anna City is just below 77.6% White, while 13.7% are Black and 6.0% are Asian. The median household income in Anna is $95,136. While nearly one-third of the population is employed, only 6.9% are employed full-time. Twenty-one percent of residents are low-income and live below the federal poverty level. Seventy-three percent of residents are in the labor force, and 73.5% have at least a high school education.

The population of Anna is 16,945 with a density of 1,056 people per square mile. The median age of residents is 31.4, which is lower than the national average of 37.4 years. The median household size is 3.0, which is larger than the US average of 2.6. The median income for Anna, TX is nearly $95,000, making it significantly higher than the national average. Those living below the poverty line are not just older, but also more likely to be Hispanic.

In 2000, there were 45,693 households in Anna City, with twenty-three percent of households having children under eighteen. Seventy-three percent of households included married couples, and 7.5% of households were headed by women who are not their husbands. Forty-three percent of households were nonfamilies, and five percent were headed by single people. Eight percent of households were headed by seniors. In 2008, the median household size in Anna City was 2.25 people and seven percent were headed by a single person.