Montpelier, Idaho Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For more information about the demographics of Montpelier, Vermont, you can visit the population and steets page. This page contains detailed information on the demographics of Montpelier City, including its ethnic composition. The demographic profile of the city includes the race, gender, and age of its residents. In addition, you can look up information on Montpelier's history. You can also browse through the list of notable citizens and check out the latest census figures.

This town is home to the headquarters of several insurance companies, including the Community College of Vermont. The downtown area is pedestrian-friendly, with restaurants, antique stores, and shops of every kind. You can shop for Vermont artwork, kitchen gadgets, and unique gifts at stores like the Artisans Hand Craft Gallery. The Capital Kitchen and Global Gifts store offer world-class treasures and other items that are sure to delight your senses.

In 2016, the population of Montpelier was 7,328 people, down four percent from the previous year. In comparison, the national average is 26.4 minutes. The median home price was $303,600. Home appreciation during the past decade has been just over one percent, which is below the national average of 2.7%. This data is a snapshot of the city's demographics. For more detailed information on the demographics of Montpelier, visit the Montpelier City website.

Montpelier is the county seat of Washington County in Vermont and is the smallest state capital in the U.S., with less than 8,000 residents. The small city is home to a vibrant arts scene, great restaurants, pubs, and an active community life. You can check out the Artisan's Hand Craft Gallery on Main Street, one of five Vermont State Craft Centers.