Waikoloa, Hawaii Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Interested in knowing the population & steets in Waikoloa, Hawaii? There are several statistics that can help you make that decision. These include the number of households and population. Each community has a different percentage of poor people. A low poverty rate indicates a more prosperous community, while a high one means the population is poor. Waikoloa Village's current poverty rate is 5.2%. It is estimated that in the next decade, the village will increase by an additional twenty percent. The population of this community is approximately 1.03 males for every one female.

The first phase of the project is set to begin in 2008, but the current economic climate may delay this project. The town is growing at an alarming rate. Despite the economic downturn, population and steets in Waikoloa City continue to grow. Despite the growing population, it remains a small town. The city has no major commercial centers or public facilities.

The average household size was 2.74 people. Compared to other U.S. cities, Waikoloa Village's steets are slightly higher than the average. As a result, residents in Waikoloa City, HI, have a slightly better life than the average. The average income per person is $98,457. A good quality of life is attainable in Waikoloa.