Hanamaulu, Hawaii Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in the population of Hanamaulu City, HI, you might want to look at the population statistics. There are two ways to find out how many people live in Hanamaulu: by asking locals and visiting local businesses. Or, you can use the AreaVibes poll, which shows local residents' opinions of the city. The results are ranked according to their diversity.

Crime rates in Hanamaulu are low compared to other cities in Hawaii. The crime rate in Hanamaulu is lower than the national average and lower than neighboring communities. Crimes are most prevalent in downtown areas, near parks and near major airports, so crime rates in these areas may be higher than they are elsewhere. Crime rates are a good indicator of a city's safety, and the overall population of the community is relatively safe.

A map of the city's residents shows the percentage of foreign-born citizens. The Puhi-Hanamaulu CCD includes a large number of non-citizens. It is about 2.3 times larger than the average city in the United States. The state of Hawaii, on the other hand, is 73% larger than Hanamaulu.