Yatesville, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

One of the things that you'll want to consider when you're deciding to move to Yatesville is the cost of living. The overall cost of living in Yatesville is considerably lower than the national average, as well as the cost of most other cities in New York State. While some areas may be more expensive than others on a state and federal level, the overall costs for housing, utilities, groceries, and transportation are much lower in Yatesville.

The median age in Yatesville is 54 years old, making this a town full of middle-aged people looking forward to retirement. The median family size is 3.0 people, including parents and children. In terms of diversity, the town ranks 401 in the state. This is a pretty impressive feat, especially when considering its relatively small size. While the city has a lower than average poverty rate, the economic conditions in Yatesville are not particularly good.

The most popular languages spoken in Yatesville are English, Polish, and Italian. Despite these numbers, the city is home to an impressively large percentage of adults with a college degree. Its low percentage of high school graduates may be a red flag to some, but the fact is that it's not as bad as it seems! As a matter of fact, Yatesville's population is steadily rising.