Waleska, Georgia Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will give you a good overview of the Population & Steets in Walesaka City, Georgia. You can use these statistics to understand the demographics of the area. For example, the median income in Waleska, GA is $55,417, which is less than the average income of $65,712 across the United States. Moreover, there is a child poverty rate of 14.7%, which is higher than the average of 57.9% of U.S. neighborhoods.

The median property value in Waleska was $160,000 in 2019. This is 0.665 times lower than the national average. Homeownership rate in Waleska is 51.1%. Students attending universities in Waleska, GA earn an average of $36,500. Moreover, the student population is skewed towards males. There are approximately 751 male students versus 698 females in Waleska.

According to Census data, there are 740 residents in Waleska, GA. The median age of residents in Waleska is 20.5 years, and the median household income is $55,417. The majority of Waleska's population speaks English, and 96.8% are U.S. citizens. For the other racial and ethnic groups, 43 people in Waleska are Hispanic.

The median gross rent in Waleska, GA was $850/mo in 2010. This may include other costs, such as utility bills. For comparison, the state-wide average was $879/mo in 2016, while it was $788 in neighboring cities. That means that rent burden in Waleska is 47.5% higher than in the state. You may also consider a rent-to-income ratio of 43% for Waleska, GA.